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Mark Verrett Named Chief Executive Officer of Accurity Consolidated

 Visionary’s mission surrounding appraisal speed and innovation becomes reality.

HOUSTON, TX (February 23, 2022) – Behind every “outside the box” concept that has contributed to a more progressive and modernized world is a singular vision, born from an innovative mind, who simply wanted to do it better.

As Accurity Consolidated continues to hold its place at the center of conversations when it comes to revolutionizing the appraisal industry, one man’s name is a highlight within those dialogues – Mark Verrett, SRA, ASA.

On February 1, Verrett was named the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Accurity Consolidated, respectfully taking hold of the torch passed on from valued former CEO Michael Breidenbach, who has transitioned to Chairman of the Board.

“When I met Mark, I saw something really different in him. He has such a passion for technology and client service,” Breidenbach said of Verrett. “He’s been the visionary that saw the way things could be – that appraisers could be the rockstars and deliver appraisals in record times.”

Prior to stepping into his role as CEO, Verrett was the Chief Innovation Officer for Accurity. A second-generation appraiser, Verrett has spent much of his career focused on modernizing the real estate space. He has led teams in the development of innovative software and applications, and is currently serving as Region VIII’s Vice Chair on the Appraisal Institute National Board of Directors.

Under the leadership of Verrett, Accurity Consolidated is growing at a rapid pace, continually opening its services to new markets across the country, with no slow down in sight. Such growth and innovative approaches are drawing to the company an entirely new, diverse, and inspired group of appraisers – excited to do their part to make sure the appraisal industry stays a step ahead of client demands in an ever-evolving world.

As top-of-the-line technology, collaboration, and speed have been implemented in Accurty’s approaches, one after the other, clients in need of appraisal services are pleasantly shocked by the fast results and top-quality services they are receiving.

“This is what the industry has been missing,” one realtor said in response to the swift and accurate product she received, ultimately leading to ecstatic and grateful clients of her own.

According to Verrett, appraisal customers, and the industry at large, are benefiting from a shift toward values long embodied by Accurity.

“I’m thrilled to see so much movement over the past 12 months in the valuation space – in the form of partnerships and collaborations – that are focused on delivering quality value opinions faster,” Verrett said. “This is what users of our services need, and it’s good for the appraisal profession. That very mission is what Accurity Consolidated has been executing for more than two years now.”

Since January of 2020, Accurity Consolidated has rapidly grown to delivering record-fast appraisals in more than 20 markets across the country, with more expansion underway. Joined together with a unified vision and collaborative culture, the company is now home to over 150 employees.

Karen Connolly

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