Thursday, May 16, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

A Cat and Dog World

I get more than a little dismayed when I see such rancor between AMCs and Appraisers. I regularly read the blogs and keep up with social media, Appraisal Buzz does frequent survey and I also follow the comments from appraisers to our weekly newsletter. In short, I believe I have a pretty good handle on the pulse.

Last week I had lunch with a local appraiser in Sarasota, FL. It was refreshing to listen to how he conducts himself in his business. He only accepts assignments at a fee that is $125 more than what the Clearbox fee survey shows as the median fee in this area. He only accepts the “cookie cutters” and he has more work than he knows what to do with. For those of you who may not be familiar with this area, there is a massive oversupply of appraisers. If he takes on a new client and they are “high maintenance” he simply no longer does business with them going forward.

How does he do it? Any AMC or lender would be thrilled to have him on their panel. He is smart, skilled, courteous, and provides great customer service. It is really a simple formula. And just so you understand, to him an AMC and a lender are on equal footing. He doesn’t discriminate.

How do you get to be a “1 percenter” in the appraisal profession?

Get yourself to Valuation Expo, March 18-21 in Charleston, SC. Other events do not offer what Valuation Expo can. Under one roof you have the opportunity to network with potential and current clients, communicate with like-minded individuals and engage new clients. This event has the top “thought leaders” on premise for 3 days to benefit you.

We feel so strongly about Valuation Expo that we offer a money back guarantee. If you have never been before check-out our website, especially our video to get an idea of the positive energy level at our events.  If you still have some questions give Melissa Candolfi a call 443.669.3950

Show a little love to all of your clients today. After all, they did help put your kids through college. Lenders and AMCs, let’s make this “National Hug an Appraiser Day”. It’s corny, I know. But it has consistently been our message and the very reason we devote a lot of energy to ensuring that you LEARN, NETWORK and PROSPER at Valuation Expo.

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Karen Connolly

Going to Extremes

Does the cost of homeowners insurance affect the price of a home? In some markets, the answer is increasingly yes. In recent years, insurance companies

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