Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

Innovation and Inspection Technology

Today’s Buzzcast topic is Innovation and Inspection Technology and how the industry is changing. We sat down with Scot Rose, Chief Innovation Officer of Class Valuation and Joan Trice, Founder of Allterra Group, LLC to discuss the importance of new technology such as 3-D inspections and the growing need for virtual flexibility.

What is the importance of adapting during this time? What are some examples of appraisers using these in the field? What are some of the benefits to this evolving technology? These questions and much more will be answered between Scot and Joan as they dive into this subject.

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Brent Bowen

Loosening The Knot

Something that I like to do is to research the etymology of various words. This is essential in understanding older/historical texts, so that you can

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